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əjdahalar   googlla
    2. 1. (bax: rope)
    (1948, alfred hitchcock)
    2.(baxma: the fountainhead) (1949, king vidor)
    3. (bax: the seventh seal)
    (1957, ingmar bergman)
    4. (bax: la dolce vita)
    (1960, federico fellini)
    5. (baxma: my night at maud’s) (1969, eric rohmer)
    6. (baxma: love and death) (1975, woody allen)
    7. (bax: being there)
    (1979, hal ashby)
    8. (bax: my dinner with andre)
    (1981, louis malle)
    9. (bax: blade runner)
    (1982, ridley scott)
    10. (bax: barton fink)
    (1991, coen biraderler)
    11. (baxma: the addiction) (1995, abel ferrara)
    12.(baxma: the truman show) (1998, peter weir)

3 əjdaha


08.08.2016 - 00:51
+260 oxunma

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