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    9. césar mendoza nın respect for the suffering one şerini xatırlatdı bu entry. çox gözəl şerdir daha yeniyetmə ikən oxuyub aylarla bu şer üstündə düşünmüşdüm. maraqlananlar buyurub oxuya bilər.
    i do not agree with god about the people who committed suicide shall go to hell.
    when my soul got tired of participating to the creation of the universe, i am going to commit suicide, too; using a way that never had been tried before.
    almost all smart hearts, had committed suicide and told the earth to fuck off.
    i am not an atheist, like he is the father, i’m a son who is offended to god
    if god sends the people who committed suicide and nietzsche to hell, i’d rather burn in hell, too. god loves honesty…

    i do not like god’s imagination.
    if i were god i wouldn’t send prophets. i’d talk to people directly.
    if i were god, i would punish hitler with making him a kindhearted jew. or i would make him a talented writer. so he would open the evil in his heart into canvases instead of people.
    if i were god states would disappear; rose scented individuals would exist only. horses would run the wild times.
    if i were god i’d provide a mind-power to everyone that makes it possible to be the character they wanted to be. so the world would turn out to be the creation process of a poem.
    if i were god i would commit suicide, because i couldn’t learn to suffer with people.

    note: azərbaycan dilində şeri tərcümə edə bilmədim.

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