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system of a down

əjdahalar   googlla
scars on broadway - alternativ metal - chop suey - shavo odadjian - nothing else matters metallicaçısı - ahmet kaya - zengimcell - pianino çalmaq - rage against the machine
    28. (baxma: soxum sənin qəzəlivə)

    "I love how these stupid fucks are playing the victim after 30 years now that they're losing the war to the sons of the women who they raped, murdered, killed their babies. cut pregnant women's gut out?
    fuck you and your music Serj Tankian
    oh btw, that fucking land that you're protecting was/is my grandma's land, before u exiled her from her lovely home and killed all their hopes.
    just cus u were stupid enough not to see what's coming back at you.
    you started this war. you are the reason for the orphan kids in this video. and you taught to your enemies that world won't give any single god damn fuck against injustice."

8 əjdaha


06.11.2020 - 22:23
+235 oxunma

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