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düzəldilməli başlıq adları - azərbaycanın yaxşı tərəfləri - sözaltı english - timidusun sevgilisi olmaq - english
    175. i can fit in a concept of being loser, i have no job, no girlfriend, never had sex and i live with my mom at the age of 28. my mom says that i live a parasitic life, she goes to work whilst i sit at home all day long. she says "do this, do that, if i die you can't survive for too long. get a job, get married, what you gonna do, why do yo have no purpose in life?" i do have a purpose, being able to make enough money to maintain my "parasitic" lifestyle is my purpose, but making money without selling my life doing everyday job is only acceptable.

    i believe in suicide as a result of inner peace, i would never want to kill myself bcz of some psychological meltdown over material things, i remember once i was laying on my bed and suddenly for a moment i felt nothing like actually nothing, not in a bad way, like the time was stopped at that moment and it felt so good that i would be able to kill myself. unfortunately it didn't last long, back to reality, still mom's spaghetti.

    i could never have succeeded in what i was doing bcz never been persistent, a musician, an accountant, a teacher, an Android app developer, sales manager... those are what i didnt last long doing. soon as i realised it doesn't fit me. now im a loser trader. but i swear i can become a millionaire doing this shit, bcz finally I'm persistent, lost half my investment kept going and now I'm getting hang of it, bcz i love the idea of making money doing nothing for the society.

    mom tells me "ppl ask me what is your son doing, i can't say anything, i feel ashamed" i want her to say "yea my son has no job, he sits at home all day but he makes more than you losers"

    (youtube: )

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