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endless sacrifice

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    Əgər yalnız hiss edirsənsə, 860 qaynar xəttinə müraciət etməyini tövsiyə edirik.

    1. içində heyvani rifflər və sololar olan dream theater mahnısı. train of thought albomundandır. sakit başlayır, nəqərat hissəsində coşur. ortada birdən-birə tamam başqa bir havaya girir, trash metal elementləri duyulur. bu hissədə mahnının ilk tonundan heç bir əsər-əlamət qalmır. sonra yenə normal tempə qayıdır və yekunlaşır.


    cold, lying in my bed
    staring into darkness
    lost, i hear footsteps overhead
    and my thoughts return again

    like a child who's run away
    and won't be coming back
    time keeps passing by
    as night turns into day

    i'm so far away and so alone
    i need to see your face to keep me sane
    to make me whole

    try to stay alive
    until i hear your voice
    i'm gonna lose my mind
    someone tell me
    why i choose this life
    this superficial lie
    constant compromise
    endless sacrifice

    pain, it saddens me to know
    the helplessness you feel
    you're light shines on my soul
    while a thousand candles burn
    outside this barren room
    the rain is pouring down
    the emptiness inside
    is growing deeper still

    you're so far away and so alone
    you long for love's embrace
    to keep you sane to make you whole

    try to stay alive
    until i hear your voice
    i'm gonna lose my mind
    someone tell me
    why i choose this life
    this superficial lie
    constant compromise
    endless sacrifice

    moments wasted
    i'm escaping
    endless sacrifice

    moments wasted
    i'm escaping
    endless sacrifice

    over the distance
    we try to make sense of
    somebody together
    while living apart
    striving for balance
    we rise to the challenge
    i'm staying connected
    in spite of circumstance

    all you've forsaken
    and all that you've done
    so that i can't give up
    this ongoing dream
    all we've forgotten
    or taken for granted
    alone we remember
    the endless sacrifice

    moments wasted
    i'm escaping
    endless sacrifice

    (youtube: )

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