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raider ii

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əjdahalar  googlla
grace for drowning - deform to form a star

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    Bu duyğuların müvəqqəti olduğunu və kömək mövcud olduğunu bilmək vacibdir. Dostlarınıza, ailənizə, profesionallara müraciət etməyiniz vacibdir. Sizi dinləmək və lazım olan dəstəyi təmin etmək istəyən insanlar var. Sözlük yazarları olaraq səni hər zaman dinləyə bilərik.

    Əgər yalnız hiss edirsənsə, 860 qaynar xəttinə müraciət etməyini tövsiyə edirik.

    1. grace for drowningden 23.10 deqiqlelik masterpiece. ilk 1-ci hissesi king crimson ve jethro tull esintilerinin metal soundlari ile birlikde yaratdighi progressive rockun qaranliq ve agressiyasinin en gozel tezahurlerindendir. 2-ci hisse ise daha murekkebdir, daha chox ve suretli duygu deyishiklikleri yaradir, prog rock tarixinin shaheserlerindendir.

    a fist will make you understand intention
    to raise alarm is underhand, so i cut off the phone
    i bind you up with tape and catch some tv
    it's getting late, the shadows in the street are watching us

    check for fibres in the gaps between the teeth, the floorboards
    check the fingerprints, go through the trash
    maybe i just wanted some attention
    compulsion seeks its own way in rejection of the light
    every story needs to have an ending
    we might as well give up all this pretending and clear the air

    the night is crawling closer to the action
    your mouth is driving me into distraction, you talk too much
    well every story needs to have an ending
    we might as well give up all this pretending and clear the air

    a plague inside your home, i'm raider
    defiling all you own, raider
    a cat among the crows, i'm raider
    the butcher and his prose, i'm raider

    0 əjdaha!

    07.08.2018 06:51, feronia

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