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    Əgər yalnız hiss edirsənsə, 860 qaynar xəttinə müraciət etməyini tövsiyə edirik.

    1. deep purple qrupunun 1968-ci ildə çıxardığı the book of taliesyn albomundan bir mahnı. belə bir mahnı ortaya çıxarmış olmaları belə bu qrupun möhtəşəmliyini göstərməyə kifayət edir. həm gitara, organ, skripka soloları, həm də vokal insanı musiqiyə doydurur. buyurun bu da sözləri

    when the night wind softly blows through my open window
    then i start to remember the girl that brought me joy
    now the night wind softly blows sadness to tomorrow
    bringing tears to eyes so tired
    eyes i thought could cry no more

    if the day would only come
    then you might just appear
    even though you'd soon be gone
    when i reached out my hand

    if i could see you
    if only i could see you
    to see if you are laughing or crying
    when the night winds softly blow

    in my dark and whispering room
    memories still bring me a numbness to my feelings
    take my hand and brush my brow
    in the warm and fevered dark
    heart is madly beating
    my crazy thoughts are burning
    when the night winds softly blow

    if the day would only come
    then you might just appear
    even though you'd soon be gone
    when i reached out my hand

    if i could see you
    if only i could see you
    to see if you are laughing or crying
    when the night winds softly blow

    if the day would only come
    then you might just appear
    even though you'd soon be gone
    when i reached out my hand

    if i could see you
    if only i could see you
    to see if you are laughing or crying
    when the night winds softly blow

    (youtube: )

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