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    Bu duyğuların müvəqqəti olduğunu və kömək mövcud olduğunu bilmək vacibdir. Dostlarınıza, ailənizə, profesionallara müraciət etməyiniz vacibdir. Sizi dinləmək və lazım olan dəstəyi təmin etmək istəyən insanlar var. Sözlük yazarları olaraq səni hər zaman dinləyə bilərik.

    Əgər yalnız hiss edirsənsə, 860 qaynar xəttinə müraciət etməyini tövsiyə edirik.

    1. hər cürə mövzu haqda lağlağı şeylər tapa biləcəyiniz ingiliscə sayt.

    ermənilər haqda: http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/Armenians
    Similarly to other mammals, they bask under the light to gain powers. They do this communally and once a group of Armenians have gained their power, they will proceed as a pack to hunt down some random Turkish or Azeri victim and devour them. While eating, the hairiest ones get to eat first because of their dominant position in the pack.
    azərbaycan haqda:
    bir zamanlar ingiltərə, almaniya, rusiya, çin, yaponiya, hindistan və amerika hamısı azərbaycan türk torpaqları idi amma fars faşizminə görə artıq belə deyil. sezar, tesla, isgəndər, lenin və eynşteynin azərbaycan türkü olduğunu bilirdiniz? * glş

    Yalnız deyilsən!

    Bu duyğuların müvəqqəti olduğunu və kömək mövcud olduğunu bilmək vacibdir. Dostlarınıza, ailənizə, profesionallara müraciət etməyiniz vacibdir. Sizi dinləmək və lazım olan dəstəyi təmin etmək istəyən insanlar var. Sözlük yazarları olaraq səni hər zaman dinləyə bilərik.

    Əgər yalnız hiss edirsənsə, 860 qaynar xəttinə müraciət etməyini tövsiyə edirik.

    Yalnız deyilsən!

    Bu duyğuların müvəqqəti olduğunu və kömək mövcud olduğunu bilmək vacibdir. Dostlarınıza, ailənizə, profesionallara müraciət etməyiniz vacibdir. Sizi dinləmək və lazım olan dəstəyi təmin etmək istəyən insanlar var. Sözlük yazarları olaraq səni hər zaman dinləyə bilərik.

    Əgər yalnız hiss edirsənsə, 860 qaynar xəttinə müraciət etməyini tövsiyə edirik.

    3. azerbaijan başlığı ilə yarmışdır.

    “azerbaijan is a heaven of tolerance for azeris”
    ~ aristotle on azerbaijan

    “oh god i need you!”
    ~ ell and nikki, a duet of a gay man and a mum living in enfield singing a eurovision winner as they speak their thoughts on azerbaijan

    azerbaijan or azerbaijaniani or azerbaijanino has been an independent country since 1991 when it broke away from falkirk.oh god i need you! it is located in the ancient azerbaijan parts in east europe and parts in west asia with a coast on the caspian sea, previously known as azerbai chai. it is a friendly country that loves company; it has frontiers with russia and matrioshka in the north, georgia in the northwest, great armenia in the southwest and iran in the south. it hates all of these bar georgia. oh god i need you!

    transportation - 90% of azerbajani people use public transportation, like riding in buses, cabs, or just hoping on the subway. the other 10% just simply takee their cars, blah blah blah. cell phones became legal in 2002 by sprint. azerbaijan got its nickname "the hub of cell phones" sometime later.

    music - its former national anthem for 3 years was "day after day". it became the anthem after it was preformed at the eurovision song contest in 2008. we never really got the point of the anthem. it's just sung by an angel and satan. however in 2011, a mother of two who dressed like a mysterious godess in white, and a gay man in an unbuttoned suit with rolled up sleeves sang an ironic love song with the lyrics "i'm running, i'm scared of breathing, and with the lyrics oh god i need you every other line. it won the 2011 eurovision, and started a propoganda campaign to promote the nation's ideology. it subsequently became the national anthem of azerbaijan.
    oh god i need you!
    aside from that song, the azeris have mugham, which is a monkey noise. its music is endorsed by correspondant borat sagdiyev, who puts ilham aliyev in all his films.

    prostitutes - they are clean, and they all have botox. any woman with more than one child has face wrinkles.

    perceptions of other countries - it percieves uk as a modern art powerhouse, claims turkey is the world capital of tea, and loves chess playing horses. it claims it has religious freedom. very few islam believe in god. the nation also has jizzlam, jews and christians. it hates, however, human rights activists, donkeys, armenians and iranians. it, however, failed in an attempt to persecute the swedish singer loreen for her rights activist, because the un teen pop comittee needed a good song at a talent show to save its sanity. unless they win eurovision, gays are not welcome in azerbaijan. it has a link with kazakh leader borat because borat puts aliyev in all his films. azerbaijan and kazakhstan are merging to form a new nation called kazerbaistan.

    1 əjdaha!

    27.11.2015 00:59, log

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