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wuhan koronavirus - azərbaycanda karantin rejimi - ikinci qarabağ müharibəsi - sözaltı etiraf - həyatın nə qədər cındır olduğunun anlaşıldığı anlar - 2021-ci il azərbaycan iqtisadi böhranı - sig sauer - amerika birləşmiş ştatları - devalvasiya
dostlarının yazdıqları:

7. nyu york timesda bir filosof tərəfindən yazılmış məqalə: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/16/opinion/covid-philosophy.html

məqalənin mövzusu: does the pandemic have a purpose?

giriş hissəsində belə bir şey var:

"Nature doesn’t care about you. That may seem harsh, but strictly speaking, nature doesn’t care about anyone or anything, except passing genes into the next generation. We know this if we’ve studied evolution. It was Darwin’s great achievement to explain the adaptation of organisms without appeal to God’s design or mystical idealism. Darwinian evolution is true (corroborated by mountains of evidence), but it’s also a cold metaphysics. The biologist Stephen Jay Gould described it as a “cold bath view” of nature — not warm and fuzzy in the way religion characterizes nature. "

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